Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Monday mornings and coffee mugs

Are you superstitious? I'm not. At least I don't think I am.

Although I occasionally find myself knocking on wood, most superstitions seem rather trivial and far stretched when I think about them.

I looked up a list of common superstitions, and all the ones you would expect were on the list including, Friday the 13th, walking under a ladder, breaking a mirror, and opening an umbrella indoors. Though I have never broken a mirror, I have walked under a ladder, lived through many Friday the 13th's with no notable harm, and have opened a handful of umbrellas indoors (in my opinion, it is best to check that the umbrella works before you step outside with one that doesn't in a downpour), and the promised impending "bad luck" that follows these actions has yet to catch up with me. Knock on... never mind.

My actions Monday morning, however, made me question the logical connection I make between my actions and the impending "luck" to follow.

Yesterday, I followed my usual "before work" routine. I got out of bed (with an extra hour of sleep... thank you daylight savings), got ready for work, headed to the kitchen, and turned my Keurig on. I placed a blue coffee mug I purchased in Destin, Florida reading "The Donut Hole" on the side under the brewer and pressed the button to begin brewing my daily dose of caffeine (the first one anyways). While the water heated up, I went to the cupboard to get a pan out to start making breakfast and abruptly stopped.

Several thoughts crossed my mind. It's Monday. It's going to be a good day. That's not the coffee mug I want to use. Where is my favorite coffee mug?

I quickly found what I was looking for (a deep floral mug I purchased at Anthropologie in college) and replaced the blue mug with the floral one before the coffee began to drip. That was a close one.

At 6:30 yesterday morning, it was perfectly logical that starting the day by drinking coffee out of my favorite mug would greatly improve my Monday trajectory.

Can the color and shape of my coffee mug actually impact the outcome of my day? Probably not. However, we all have our quirks and rhythms we choose to walk to (please tell me I'm not the only one), and honestly, many things appear logical before sunrise that probably are not.

Most mornings I am in a rush. No matter how early I wake up or how much preparation I make for the next day the night before, I always find myself scrambling to cook my eggs, down a cup of coffee and make it out the door by 7:30 (Thank goodness my television doesn't pick up Good Morning America, I would have to wake up an hour early to compensate).

I always seem to find time to make a warm breakfast, change my clothes two times, and pick out the perfect coffee mug, all of which seem to be of the utmost importance at the time. It's the things that I let slip through the cracks, though, that truly have an impact. Something I read yesterday reminded me of that.

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.

No matter what I do or how I prepare for my day, sometimes I forget that I am not the one in control. I am not in the driver's seat. I can't change the world or my own life on my own. I am so quick to forget that the Lord is the one who guides my every step. He is the one who gives me opportunities, and all good things and all blessings come from Him. 

If I am so quick to nourish my body (which I know is important), why do I sometimes neglect to nourish my soul. I love in the verse above where it talks about the morning. I have always been a morning person. There is just something special about knowing that a whole day lies ahead with moments, places, and stories to experience. This verse is such a great reminder that the Lord wants us to invite Him to go through each moment and experience of the day with us. 

The mornings I neglect to pray, the mornings I neglect to take time to stop and listen, and the mornings I neglect to spend time in the Word, I can almost always notice a difference. Not a positive one. So many days, after a few hours have passed on the clock,  I notice my thoughts becoming anxious or negative and a heavy feeling in my heart. I never once have stopped and traced those thoughts to my coffee mug. More often than not, when those feelings arise, a crucial step in my morning more than likely was neglected. 

"I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."

We don't serve a God of luck or one of superstition, but one of promises. One that we can approach and trust that He will act. We can present our day to him in the morning and expect Him to act. We can expect Him to work in our lives and in the lives of those around us. He works in the good and the bad, and in the crazy and the mundane. 

I want to have a heart that draws me to the Lord from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep. I want to invite Him into my day before I even head to the cupboard or lay my fingers on a mug. Lord give me that heart. Fuel my mornings and fuel my day with a desire to be closer to you walking hand in hand, moment by moment.

Tomorrow is Wednesday. It is going to be a great day. Lord, I invite you to walk through it with me. Open my eyes to see the good, the beauty, and the opportunities you place all around me. 

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