Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Here's to new adventures.

Life is beautiful isn't it? I was reminded of that today.

Today, my second niece, Harper Sophia Codd came into the world. I saw her for the first time today on FaceTime at the hospital (isn't technology grand?) in Phoenix. Just as I knew she would be, she is beautiful and perfect. I'll be honest, the tears were flowing on my side of the screen, and I am sure they will once again when I meet her face to face in a few weeks.

The past week as we were all awaiting her arrival into the world (she took her sweet time), I became a bit nostalgic. I began looking through old pictures of my niece, Audrey, who is now 3 and a half years old.

Living in a different city, it has been breathtaking each time I have gone to visit to see the changes that can happen even over a few months. I remember crying the first time I held Audrey when she was a newborn baby. It seems I blinked, and before I knew it she was running around the living room, laughing when I spilled my cereal, singing songs, and asking me to paint glitter on her fingernails. Last week when I called, she told me her Bible verse of the week and told me all about Jonah going to Ninevah (I think she is pretty smart, but I’m a bit partial).

Being an aunt has hands down been one of the biggest blessings and joys in my life.  There aren’t words to describe the way my heart has grown for that little girl over the past 3 years.

After hundreds of pictures (literally. I feel as an aunt it is my duty to always have a camera in hand) and countless memories, today we start a new chapter. The phrase "favorite niece" is gone from my vocabulary, but I gladly exchange it for two new ones: "big sister" and "little sister". I can't wait to see this relationship unfold with my two favorite angels. 

Last week, I was talking to Audrey about when I will come to Phoenix to visit in a few weeks. I asked her if we could go on some adventures when I got there, to which she replied with a twinkle in her eye, “Oh I looovvve adventures.”

Helen Keller said, “Life is a daring adventure, or nothing.”

I think she and my niece have the right idea. Each day we are given is a new adventure. A journey into the unknown.  Do we dare to approach it as such?

The days we are given are numbered. I don’t know what that number reads for any of us, but I do know that no number of days could be large enough to discount the beauty and joy to be uncovered each day.

Life is short. Take a risk. Open your heart. Be yourself. Find your passion. Sing the song that only you can sing. Live the life God created you to live.

You know the scene in the Pixar movie UP that recounts Carl and Ellie's life? It makes me cry every time, but that is beside the point. In it, they have an adventure book that they fill with memories.

I want the pages of my life to be filled with adventure. By that I mean, I want to live a life where I wake each day and embrace whatever is in front of me, simple or not, familiar or unfamiliar, near or far. I too want to love adventures and love life. I believe we are called by God to love and seek out what that looks like for the people and situations we come into contact with each day.

Life and love are both beautiful, aren’t they? Don’t miss out on either. They are both right in front of and all around you. Here’s to new adventures. Here’s to new life. And here’s to loving every step of the way. 

And here's to my favorite 3 year old princess, Audrey. I can't wait to watch your adventure as a big sister unfold. This is just the beginning. You are going to change the world. You have already changed mine.

Happy birthday sweet baby Harper. Your parents have done a phenomenal job raising your sister and teaching her the love of Christ, and I know they will do the same with you. The world may be new for you today, but you are already loved more than you could ever know.

Oh, and here’s to many, many more pictures. You only regret the ones you don’t take. 

In case you were wondering what 3 years of nostalgia (and 3 years of hairstyles) looks like, here is a taste. Time flies.


  1. Loving the pictures! Congratulations - I'm so glad you get to visit in a couple weeks and hold little Harper Sophia!! ...Oh, and I agree that the aunt's duty is to take pictures, and that you only regret the ones you didn't take - love that! :)

    1. Thank you, Lindsey! I really am looking forward to meeting her. I know that you too know that there is nothing like being an aunt. I loved seeing the pictures of your niece and nephews earlier this week too. Nieces and nephews are gifts from above. A blessing to be counted every day:)
