Friday, September 27, 2013

{fresh air}

Fresh air. It's a necessity, isn't it?

"Take a deep breath." "Why don't you go get some fresh air?" These are phrases typically said to us when we need to slow down, take a chill pill, or gain new perspective. Our words and actions can speak volumes, and often, those actions apparently signify that there is something we need more of-- fresh air.

Two weeks ago marked the last full week of summer. Oklahoma temperatures didn't disappoint, giving us all a nice show of temperatures in the 90's with a steady dose of humidity. Starbucks had released the Pumpkin Spice Latte early this year as a part of a "ten year celebration", sweaters and boots flooded the department stores, and the Hobby Lobby aisles were already transitioning over to Christmas decor. Everything surrounding us signified that Fall had arrived (a false sense of reality mind you). However, walking out the door of Starbucks with a steamy hot PSL into a balmy 95 degrees leaves much to be desired.

The after affects of this dual season limbo, it seemed,  were apparent every way I turned. Hobby Lobby and Starbucks are to blame. Someone has to be, right? Anticipation is a good thing sometimes, but once it takes precedence over being grateful for the present moment, it becomes a detriment. I could see it in traffic, in the demeanor of clients at work, and even in my own general disposition. I believe I even used the word "cranky" to describe myself one day. I'm never cranky. Something was wrong. My boss and I decided that we both needed to sit out on our front porches in temperatures chilly enough for a sweatshirt, with a warm coffee mug to lift the muggy air and demeanor seeming to surround everyone we encountered that week. We needed some fresh air.

 Lucky for us, our prayers were answered, and as the calendar changed seasons, so did the air.  A cool front swiftly arrived with a does of fresh crisp Autumn air. One of my favorite things to do is to watch the sunrise. Last Monday, I woke up a few minutes early, got ready for work, and headed to a coffee shop patio. The clock on my phone signified I had a few minutes to spare before the sun made it's scheduled arrival. I ordered my coffee, found an east facing chair on the patio, and I waited. As the colors began to spread on the horizon, I took a deep breath. A smile quickly spread across my face. It was the fresh air I had been waiting for. The air was crisp, my sweater was warm, and the horizon was wide and beautiful.

In the past week, I have encountered countless breaths of fresh air. I have the pleasure of meeting many new faces each week at work. The conversations I was blessed to have this week were evidence of the fresh air surrounding us. I encountered more joy, thankfulness, and optimism in the past week than I have in the past month. Maybe we all just needed a change.

Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the colors, the leaves, the smells, and the tastes. The list could go on and on.  Maybe more than anything else though, I love the change. The contrast between Summer and Fall is one of the largest characteristically between seasons, in my opinion. Along with change comes new opportunities, fresh beginnings, and the chance to discover something new and beautiful that seemed to be lost in the long summer months. A change in the seasons almost seems to be a forced and necessary "breath of fresh air".

Sometimes I think we get too set in our routines, bogged down with our schedules, and so consumed with our own lives that we forget to look up and recognize what is already surrounding us. Whether it is Summer, Spring, Fall, or Winter, we are surrounded with things to be grateful for, creation to be in awe of, and opportunities to make the world a better place. Sometimes it takes a change in scenery, seasons, or situations to grasp our attention long enough for us to recognize the gap between where we are and what it takes to get us to where we want to be.

Life is full of seasons, not just the ones on the calendar. The good news is though, God provides changes in our own personal seasons just when we need them. We don't have to wait 3 months for the calendar season to change to get a good dose of fresh perspective. Too often, we view change as a negative thing. We focus on what we have lost, the inconvenience, and ways we can avert shifting the way we do life. Maybe what we view as harm, God intends for good. I think the seasons in our lives are full of teaching moments. Without change, we wouldn't grow and we wouldn't move forward, and perhaps we would miss out on being a part of the very thing God created us to do. I pray that my life is full of seasons of purpose, seasons sent by God himself.

Lord, open my eyes to the seasons and changes you place in front of me. Don't let me become consumed in my desires for my own life. When I do and when I fail, send me a breath of your fresh air. Fill me up, refresh me, and guide me. Send me seasons that challenge, shape, and mold me into who you want me to become. Guide me to where you want me to be and who you want me to meet. Give me a grateful heart and servants feet no matter what season, long or short, I am in. Amen.

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